The Most Marvelous Spider-Man Costumes


First Appearance: MARVEL TAILS #1 (1983)
Worn Because: A pig with spider powers needed a costume.
Why It Makes The List: “He’s shorter, stouter, and, um, porkier. He’s Peter Porker, Spectacular Spider-Ham! And he has a snout and a curly tail, so don’t judge what’s inside the costume, judge the costume itself, kids. This week, at least…” – Secret Cabal member RunawayJ
Spotlight Comic: ULTIMATE CIVIL WAR: SPIDER-HAM #1—Peter Porker returns to solve the mystery of the missing thought balloons!


Spider Armor
First Appearance: WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #100 (1993)
Last Seen In: WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #100 (1993)
Worn Because: Spidey needed extra protection in the midst of a gang war.
Why It Makes The List: “The Spider Armor is the Spider-Man equivalent of empty calories. It’s totally a guilty pleasure and yes, we know it makes no sense for a character centered on speed and agility to be weighed down by a bulky metal costume…but c’mon—it’s so shiny! The Armor didn’t stick around longer than one specifically targeted adventure, so we can forgive its impracticality and merely bask in its wonderful excess.” – Secret Cabal member Annihilator882 Spotlight Comic: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN v1 #9—Peter Parker conducts an early experiment in armoring up to take on Electro!


First Appearance: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #258 (1984)
Last Seen In: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #258 (1984)
Worn Because: After ditching his alien symbiote with the help of the FF, Peter Parker needed a change of clothes.
Why It Makes The List: “You’ve got this alien parasite that acts as a substitute for everything you wear—so what do you do when Mr. Fantastic separates the nasty thing from your body and you’re just standing there naked? You grab a spare Fantastic Four costume and a paper bag, of course! It’s the ultimate disguise! I mean, the worst thing that could happen is that people think you’re the Thing’s brother and you’re hiding some kind of grotesque disfigurement under that bag, right? – Secret Cabal member HeartOfOak
Spotlight Comic: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #258—Spider-Man must seek the help of the Fantastic Four to fend off his alien costume gone bad!


First Appearance: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #434 (1998)
Last Seen In: Currently worn by a second Ricochet
Worn Because: Suspected for murder, Spider-Man adopted four alternate identities, including Ricochet.
Why It Makes The List: “There’s a reason Ricochet remains semi-active in the Marvel Universe as one of the Loners while his Slingers teammates toil mostly in obscurity or death…well, there are a few reasons, but his rad costume is certainly one of them. The three quarter face mask that covers facial features while letting the costume’s wearer’s hair to fly free provides a unique and modern look while the leather jacket adorned with throwing discs makes for a nice functional addition. When the Slingers pilfered Spider-Man’s wardrobe, Johnny Gallo struck the jackpot while Dusk got caught swinging.” – Annihilator882
Spotlight Comic: THE LONERS #2—Find out what Ricochet does on his day off in sunny California!


First Appearance: SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN v1 #0 (1996)
Last Seen In: PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #75 (1996)
Taking over the role of Spider-Man from Peter Parker, Ben wanted to add his own touch. A new take on an old classic, Ben Reilly did a little revamp on Peter Parker’s iconic Spiderman costume before hitting the streets as Spider-Man. He added a bigger spider, did a little rearranging of the red and blue and tossed the web shooters on the outside. All this together gave a fresh new look to everyone’s friendly neighborhood web-swinger while still preserving the spirit of the original get-up. And if you like this costume, you should check out amazing spider girl costume—what’s that they say about fashion going in cycles? SPIDER-GIRL #44—Peter Parker recounts the story of Ben Reilly to his daughter May, aka Spider-Girl!

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