Controversial Scarlet Spider


The Scarlet Spider is a pretty controversial character, heralding from the spider man ‘Clone Saga’ in the 90’s. The Scarlet Spider was Spider-man’s clone, come back after a few years away. He made the scarlet spider costume quickly, an all-red bodysuit, and threw on a blue hoodie he got from the Museum of Natural History to complete the look.
If you’re concerned about the name then don’t fret as it was actually worked into the comic as what others called him (the character himself didn’t like the name and thought it was stpuid) – that’s a nice bit of pre-Marvel movie-verse character name dropping where it has become common place now.

Personally I always thought Scarlet was pretty cool, and even though lots of fans take issue with the scarlet spider hoodie over spandex design, I liked it.

The Amazing Spider-Man Video Game Costumes


The Amazing Spider-Man video game arrives in stores in June including a ton of unlockable Spider-Man costumes that can be acquired by exploring the open-world Manhattan. Here are some of the suits the developer has included in the game:

The Negative Zone Spiderman Suit

The Negative Zone Spiderman Suit: Spider-Man’s costume turned into this silver-and-black version when he entered the Negative Zone. It allowed him to merge with shadows and become practically invisible in the comics, but don’t expect those extra abilities here.


The Black Spiderman Suit from Spider-Man 3: In the third Spider-Man film from director Sam Raimi, the black symbiote attached itself to Peter’s costume, giving it this sleek black look. Though most fans would like to erase the film from their memory, the black symbiote suit can be used once it is unlocked.

The Big Time Suit

The Big Time Suit: Dan Slott and Humbertos Ramos introduced this neon-green costume for the webslinger during their massive overarching arc, “Big Time”.

The Belt-less Spider Man Morph Suit

The Belt-less Spider Man MorphSuit: In Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man movie, Peter Parker dons a Spider-Man costume without a belt, giving him a long and slender appearance. As the game takes place after the events of the film, Beenox gave the webslinger a belt to keep with the realistic theme. Where else would he store his new gadgets? The inclusion of this costume skin allows players to drop the belt.


The Party Hat… Suit: Yea, don’t ask.

The Vigilante Suit

The Vigilante Suit: Before he dons the Spider-Man costume in the film, Peter Parker wanders Manhattan in this “vigilante” outfit. This specific skin is exclusive to PS3.


The Scarlet Spider man Suit (Kaine): When Peter’s clone, Kaine, returns after the “Grim Hunt” storyline in the comics, he dons the identity of the Scarlet Spider and wears this awesome red and black costume. It can be seen in the pages of Chris Yost’s Scarlet Spider.


The Spider-Morphosis: In The Amazing Spider-Man #437, Spider-Man attempts to rescue the mutant Synch from Plantman, only to be sprayed in the face by mutagenic flowers. Spider-Man’s body was transformed into a humanoid spider, his costume shredded, his hands changed into claws, his face into a spider-like visage, with eight tiny eyes and large fangs and other “gross and humiliating changes”.

Future Foundation Spider-Man Suit

The Future Foundation Suit (Inverted): In the comics, Spider-Man joins Reed Richards’ Future Foundation after Johnny Storm’s apparent death. The team change their costumes from the blue to a new sleek black and white look as the FF. During stealth missions, they went with an inverted version of their costumes, this being Spider-Man’s.

The Origin of the Black Spiderman Suit

The Symbiote Costume, also known as the Black Suit, is one of the most significant alterations to Spider-Man’s costume. It first appears in The Amazing Spider-Man #252 and Marvel Team-up #141, released concurrently in May 1984. The black costume stemmed from an idea submitted by a then 22-year-old fan named Randy Schueller in 1982, after Marvel had asked its readers for ideas for new Spider-Man stories. “I was thinking, ‘This is a guy who is swinging around at night wearing a bright red-and-blue costume.’ That’s where the black suit came from.” Schueller’s idea was purchased by Jim Shooter for the sum of $220. Shooter also asked Schueller’s help in possibly writing a script for Spider-Man’s new look.

Here’s the copy of the letter Randy received from Shooter almost 25 years ago, in August of 1982.


Spiderman Black Suits VS Venom Suit

The black Spiderman costume has a large white spider on the chest and back and white organic web-shooters on the backs of the hands. A variation on the black costume is featured in the film Spider-Man 3. The Spiderman 3 black suit includes the webbing pattern from Spider-Man’s red and blue costume with a black coloring and a slightly altered spider symbol, both on his chest and back. The same costume is also worn by Venom, with the added details of Venom’s signature teeth, a more muscular appearance and a spider on his chest that closer resembles the comic book version’s spider emblem.

Spiderman Black SuitsVENOM

Symbiote Spider Costume

Spiderman Black Suits

First appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #252, Secret Wars #8
In the Marvel Secret Wars series, Spider-Man’s costume was torn during battle and he was sent to a machine that would repair it. Unknown to Spider-Man, the machine was actually a prison that contained an alien symbiote, which copied Spider-Man’s thoughts about the costume worn by Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter), and created a duplicate of it.
During and after the Secret War, Spider-Man learned that the costume could respond to his thoughts, change its shape, and create a seemingly unlimited amount of organic webbing. However, after wearing the suit for some time, he began to feel unusually tired and consulted his friend, Mr. Fantastic. Mr. Fantastic said that the suit was actually an alien creature and that it was taking him web-swinging every night while he slept. Spider-Man then had Mr. Fantastic remove the costume using a sound wave generator, as its only weaknesses are loud sound waves and intense heat, and locked it in a protective case. The suit eventually escaped and hung itself in Peter’s closet, disguised as one of his red and blue costumes. Unfortunately, Peter grabbed the symbiote and it reattached itself to him, which forced Spider-Man to use the bells of the Our Ladies of Saints church to remove the suit. Many issues later, the suit secretly found and bonded to Eddie Brock, who became Venom.

Coolest Spider-Man Costume Ever

From his 1st appearance, Spider-Man wore a costume. He had a lot of costumes like classic red and blue costume, the black costume, the armor costume, Ben Reilly’s scarlet costume, Iron Spider costume and much more. But, which is the coolest costume of all spider-man costumes EVER?

classic red and blue costume


armor costume


Iron Spider costume

The Story of Spider-Man’s Black Costume

Spiderman Black Suits

When Spider-Man 3 finally arrives in theaters on May 4th, the eagerly-awaited film will culminate a cycle of hype initiated over a year ago when a single image surfaced on the internet. The picture, purportedly plucked from Sony and featuring a rain-soaked Spider-Man locked in a contemplative pose, seemed innocent enough, save for one key detail: Spidey was dressed in black.

To comic book aficionados, the event was nothing less than earth-shattering. As the fanboys struggled to regain the ability to speak, those of us unfamiliar with the Spider-Man mythos were left wondering: What’s up with that black suit? Where did it come from? Has Spider-Man gone goth? Did Tobey Maguire put on too many pounds after Spider-Man 2, forcing producers to opt for a more slimming costume? As expected, the folks at Sony, content to watch their viral marketing work its magic, refused to divulge any details.

Humble Beginnings:
The story of the black suit begins simply enough. As is the case with all great ideas, it started out as a marketing gimmick, conceived over 20 years ago — 1984, to be precise. The nation was ebullient, having triumphantly emerged from recession with newfound confidence, basking in its superpower status.
But not everyone shared in the renewed optimism. Over at the hallowed halls of Marvel Comics, all was not well. Interest in their products, most notably the flagship Spider-Man titles, had stagnated. The character, once a counter-culture icon, had grown a bit stale after 20-plus years as Marvel’s venerable cash cow. The time had come for a change.
And so it was decided: Spidey would recieve a makeover. After all, he’d been swinging around New York City clad in essentially the same red and blue costume since his introduction in 1962. It was time for the web-slinger to don new wardrobe, one more suitable for the go-go 80s — something with attitude, something with style, and, most importantly, something to help sell a new line of toys based on Marvel’s prominent titles. Lo, the black suit was born.
Artist Mike Zeck’s original designThough Spider-Man debuted the suit in May 1984 for issue #252 of Amazing Spider-Man, it wasn’t until several months later that a story was concocted to explain the new duds. According to the official storyline, the change occurred during the Secret Wars, a mammoth crossover series in which a nearly omnipotent being named The Beyonder whisked all of Marvel’s prominent heroes and villains to an alternate world for massive battle royale. After his outfit got shredded in battle, Spidey searched for a way to mend his mangled suit, having apparently lacked the foresight to bring along a few extra backup suits. With sewing machines understandably scarce in deep space, Spidey opted to use what he thought to be a high-tech “fabric replication” device. Seemingly responding to his thoughts, the mysterious machine spat out a big black ball of goo that engulfed his entire body, eventually molding into a snazzy, form-fitting outfit, perfect for both crime-fighting on weeknights and clubbing on weekends.

New Suit = New Powers:
In addition to looking cool, the new suit held a number of advantages over the old one. It came on and off automatically according to his thoughts, eliminating the annoyance of changing out of work clothes. It also produced its own webbing (at the time, the comic book Spider-Man had to manufacture his own web fluid) and heightened his existing abilities. Perhaps most importantly, it could change form in order to store things Spidey picked up during his adventures, overgcoming what was arguably the old costume’s greatest flaw: a lack of pockets.
The black suit ignited a firestorm of controversy, with many hardcore comics fans decrying it as tantamount to sacrilege. Spider-Man’s traditional red and blue costume was iconic, they argued, on par with those of his D.C. rivals Superman and Batman. The negative response was puzzling for a medium where constant change is the norm: characters are regularly killed off and brought back from the dead. (Captain America is the latest superhero to fall prey to this common industry practice.)
Despite the uproar (or perhaps because of it), sales of Spider-Man titles soared — at least temporarily. For the next few years, Spidey dressed in black exclusively as he battled the bad guys, but he never quite succeeded in winning over the die-hards.
As the new suit’s novelty ebbed, Marvel opted for a compromise of sorts, dressing Spider-Man in the traditional suit by day and the black one at night. By then, the writing was on the wall, and the decision was eventually made to ditch the black suit permanently.

The Birth of Venom:
So Marvel took lemons and made lemonade, crafting an ingenious storyline that turned a discarded gimmick into perhaps the greatest Spider-Man villain of all time. As the story goes, the suit turned out to be an alien symbiote with a mind of its own — an evil one at that — and it wanted control of Peter Parker. Spidey Back in Black
After an epic struggle, Spidey eventually broke the symbiote’s powerful grip and cast it aside, where it found a much more agreeable host in the form of Peter Parker’s photojournalist rival Eddie Brock (portrayed by Topher Grace in Spider-Man 3). Brock fused with the symbiote, becoming Venom, a dark, snarling beast that lived only for Spider-Man’s destruction.
Ah, but the story doesn’t end there. Marvel brought the black suit out of storage in February for Amazing Spider-Man #539, just in time for the run-up to the release of Spider-Man 3. (They dubbed the return “Back in Black”.) Never fear, Spidey purists: it’s only temporary.
Or so they tell us.

Venom Is Getting His Own Movie Without Spider-Man


Producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach dished that the alien costume symbiote venom will get his own movie while discussing The Amazing Spider-Man. Although it will share the same universe created by the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, yet the two characters won’t share the screen. Tolmach explained to the press that he is trying to get all these worlds live together in peace someday and make sense with one another.

This approach could potentially break a lot of fans’ hearts, but at least they want to make a “huge amazing movie” about the beloved character.

The movie is a story of Eddie Brock. The producers want it to be as close to the comics as possible, especially in Eddie Brock’s story. But again, pseudo-science is becoming science. All these tidbits about webs, artificial webs, is a huge industry now. Spiderwebs have unique qualities that will be huge for communications, fibers, and so forth. At this point, fans will probably take any incarnation of Venom other than the version they saw in Spider-Man 3.

However, it will be pretty cool to see Hollywood make a big budget blockbuster focusing on a character that is typically portrayed as a villain instead of a hero, don’t U think?
Find more Spider-Man Costumes and Venom Costume here:

Controversial Scarlet Spider


The Scarlet Spider is a pretty controversial character, heralding from the spider man ‘Clone Saga’ in the 90’s. The Scarlet Spider was Spider-man’s clone, come back after a few years away. He made the scarlet spider costume quickly, an all-red bodysuit, and threw on a blue hoodie he got from the Museum of Natural History to complete the look.

If you’re concerned about the name then don’t fret as it was actually worked into the comic as what others called him (the character himself didn’t like the name and thought it was stpuid) – that’s a nice bit of pre-Marvel movie-verse character name dropping where it has become common place now.

Personally I always thought Scarlet was pretty cool, and even though lots of fans take issue with the scarlet spider hoodie over spandex design, I liked it.

The Most Marvelous Spider-Man Costumes


First Appearance: MARVEL TAILS #1 (1983)
Worn Because: A pig with spider powers needed a costume.
Why It Makes The List: “He’s shorter, stouter, and, um, porkier. He’s Peter Porker, Spectacular Spider-Ham! And he has a snout and a curly tail, so don’t judge what’s inside the costume, judge the costume itself, kids. This week, at least…” – Secret Cabal member RunawayJ
Spotlight Comic: ULTIMATE CIVIL WAR: SPIDER-HAM #1—Peter Porker returns to solve the mystery of the missing thought balloons!


Spider Armor
First Appearance: WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #100 (1993)
Last Seen In: WEB OF SPIDER-MAN #100 (1993)
Worn Because: Spidey needed extra protection in the midst of a gang war.
Why It Makes The List: “The Spider Armor is the Spider-Man equivalent of empty calories. It’s totally a guilty pleasure and yes, we know it makes no sense for a character centered on speed and agility to be weighed down by a bulky metal costume…but c’mon—it’s so shiny! The Armor didn’t stick around longer than one specifically targeted adventure, so we can forgive its impracticality and merely bask in its wonderful excess.” – Secret Cabal member Annihilator882 Spotlight Comic: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN v1 #9—Peter Parker conducts an early experiment in armoring up to take on Electro!


First Appearance: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #258 (1984)
Last Seen In: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #258 (1984)
Worn Because: After ditching his alien symbiote with the help of the FF, Peter Parker needed a change of clothes.
Why It Makes The List: “You’ve got this alien parasite that acts as a substitute for everything you wear—so what do you do when Mr. Fantastic separates the nasty thing from your body and you’re just standing there naked? You grab a spare Fantastic Four costume and a paper bag, of course! It’s the ultimate disguise! I mean, the worst thing that could happen is that people think you’re the Thing’s brother and you’re hiding some kind of grotesque disfigurement under that bag, right? – Secret Cabal member HeartOfOak
Spotlight Comic: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #258—Spider-Man must seek the help of the Fantastic Four to fend off his alien costume gone bad!


First Appearance: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #434 (1998)
Last Seen In: Currently worn by a second Ricochet
Worn Because: Suspected for murder, Spider-Man adopted four alternate identities, including Ricochet.
Why It Makes The List: “There’s a reason Ricochet remains semi-active in the Marvel Universe as one of the Loners while his Slingers teammates toil mostly in obscurity or death…well, there are a few reasons, but his rad costume is certainly one of them. The three quarter face mask that covers facial features while letting the costume’s wearer’s hair to fly free provides a unique and modern look while the leather jacket adorned with throwing discs makes for a nice functional addition. When the Slingers pilfered Spider-Man’s wardrobe, Johnny Gallo struck the jackpot while Dusk got caught swinging.” – Annihilator882
Spotlight Comic: THE LONERS #2—Find out what Ricochet does on his day off in sunny California!


First Appearance: SENSATIONAL SPIDER-MAN v1 #0 (1996)
Last Seen In: PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN #75 (1996)
Taking over the role of Spider-Man from Peter Parker, Ben wanted to add his own touch. A new take on an old classic, Ben Reilly did a little revamp on Peter Parker’s iconic Spiderman costume before hitting the streets as Spider-Man. He added a bigger spider, did a little rearranging of the red and blue and tossed the web shooters on the outside. All this together gave a fresh new look to everyone’s friendly neighborhood web-swinger while still preserving the spirit of the original get-up. And if you like this costume, you should check out amazing spider girl costume—what’s that they say about fashion going in cycles? SPIDER-GIRL #44—Peter Parker recounts the story of Ben Reilly to his daughter May, aka Spider-Girl!