Venom Costume

Buy quality Venom the Alien Symbiote Costume Black Spider-Man Suit at the lowest price. is a professional zentai suits online store, we offers a large selection of zentai suits and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!




Childhood is often overlooked, being bullied, so others will have the feeling of distrust. Internship as a reporter for Global Times, venom because the chance of a serial murderers and those who eat sin (Sin-Eater, real name is Stan Ivory) contact out ahead, Emile mistake informer Greg as a suspect, while the real criminals caught by Spider-Man, because the wrong source of information and lost his job, but also discredited after his marriage, his career is over, he will complete his misfortune blamed Spider-Man. When Spider-Man using the church to get rid of the alien giant bell parasitic body after praying at the altar under Eddie Brock became the new host, which is the venom, parasitic body attachment and hatred in his body, in order to find out his revenge Spider-Man’s true identity is Peter Benjamin Parker (Peter Parker). When Eddie get rid of it until later, are left only with a cancer-ridden shell only.


Buy cheap Black Spider-Man Costume Venom Symbiote Suit,fullbody bodysuits,morph suit at the lowest price. is a professional zentai suits wholesale online store, we offers a large selection of zentai suits and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


Sony for “Spider-Man 3” villain “Venom” (Venom) to build rumored movie of the same name is also actively preparing them, before the film screenwriter Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese told SCI FI Wire interview revealed the film’s latest developments.
They said: “We have to write the script for the film, but we will not disclose any details, we have a strict confidentiality agreement, on” Venom “content are super secret.”
They also admitted that he is “venom” loyal fans, back in front to take over this work has been on the role of a very familiar, but they will not be taken lightly. “Yes, we are looking at ‘Venom’ grew up”, Rhett Reese said, “but we’re not experts, so to take over this work, we have to go back to study and understand the character more backstory, so more confidence before starting to write the script. ”
In the “Spider-Man” comics “venom” is one of Spider-Man’s most formidable opponent, fans have high expectations for this role, it also allows two writers obviously felt the pressure on the shoulders, Reese said: “I am absolutely feeling jittery, this is one that so many people know and love the characters, they have to meet your expectations, this burden is not light. ”
“Venom” by the alien symbiote combined with reporter Eddie Brock resulting in “Spider-Man 3” played “venom” is Christopher Grace (Topher Grace). But there is not clear Sony will start all over again substitutions play a “poison” or followed by “Spider-Man 3” continues to play Christopher Grace.

Venom the Alien Symbiote Spiderman Costume

Buy cheap Black Spider-Man Costume Venom Symbiote Suit,fullbody bodysuits,morph suit at the lowest price. is a professional zentai suits wholesale online store, we offers a large selection of zentai suits and free custom-made service. shop for fun and enjoy our sales now!


“Spider-Man” outsiders “Venom” (Venom) which is currently being actively logistics, in the movie “Spider-Man 3” Venom is the main villain, and in the Spider-Man comics venom is one of the most powerful opponents by a total of extraterrestrial student body combined with reporter Eddie Brock arising. Spider-Man shoot stills rumored in recent years has become a trend, “X-Men” has been confirmed there is “Wolverine” and “Magneto” two outsiders, and “Fantastic Four” is also planned for the Silver Surfer (Silver Surfer) photographic rumor. For many took a lot of sets series of films, it is also a rumor shot within the framework of innovative approaches, while avoiding the audience on the same series of films produced aesthetic fatigue. At present, “venom” screenwriter who still modify and rewrite the script over and over again. In addition, the film is also not simple child child casting in “Spider-Man 3” played venom is Christopher Grace, but for him alone play the leading role, Sony Corporation and no confidence, if for actors do not be too surprised. The movie “Spider-Man 4” will be released worldwide in 2011. “Spider-Man 4” emergency Choupai “venom” For shock screens.

The Alien Costume Symbiote: VENOM

“What started out as a replacement costume for Spider-Man turned into one of the Marvel web-slinger’s greatest nightmares.” —-Comics journalist and historian Mike Conroy

What is VENOM?
VENOM is an alien symbiote, a life form that requires a host to bond around for its survival. The creature is a sentient alien with a gooey, almost liquid-like form. VENOM creature gives its host enhanced powers.
VENOM first appeared as an “alien costume” in The Amazing Spider-Man #252 (May 1984) it was created by Randy Schueller and David Michelinie, with Mike Zeck designing the alien symbiote costume and Todd McFarlane drawing the first VENOM appearance.

What are its powers and abilities?
The VENOM Symbiote has adapted the spider powers of Spider-Man.
The Symbiote allows the user limited shape-shifting.
The symbiote is capable of healing injuries in the host at a faster rate than normal human healing allows. The symbiote is also capable of healing injuries and illnesses that current human medical care cannot such as cancer.

Who are the host of the VENOM Symbiote?
1. Peter Parker SPIDER-MAN
The Amazing Spider-Man #252 (May 1984)
Black Costume Spider-Man

Peter Parker

2. Eddie Brock
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #299 (April, 1988)
Venom Original Black Suit

Eddie Brock

3. Angelo Fortunato
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 #6 (November, 2004)

Angelo Fortunato

4. Mac Gargan
Marvel Knights: Spider-Man Vol 1 #9 (February, 2005)

Mac Gargan

5. Flash Thompson
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #654

Flash Thompson

6. Ann Weying
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 #375 (March, 1993)

Ann Weying

7. Ms. Marvel
Siege Vol 1 #3

Ms. Marvel

8. Fantastic Four
Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four #2

Fantastic Four (2)

The Story of Spider-Man’s Black Costume

Spiderman Black Suits

When Spider-Man 3 finally arrives in theaters on May 4th, the eagerly-awaited film will culminate a cycle of hype initiated over a year ago when a single image surfaced on the internet. The picture, purportedly plucked from Sony and featuring a rain-soaked Spider-Man locked in a contemplative pose, seemed innocent enough, save for one key detail: Spidey was dressed in black.

To comic book aficionados, the event was nothing less than earth-shattering. As the fanboys struggled to regain the ability to speak, those of us unfamiliar with the Spider-Man mythos were left wondering: What’s up with that black suit? Where did it come from? Has Spider-Man gone goth? Did Tobey Maguire put on too many pounds after Spider-Man 2, forcing producers to opt for a more slimming costume? As expected, the folks at Sony, content to watch their viral marketing work its magic, refused to divulge any details.

Humble Beginnings:
The story of the black suit begins simply enough. As is the case with all great ideas, it started out as a marketing gimmick, conceived over 20 years ago — 1984, to be precise. The nation was ebullient, having triumphantly emerged from recession with newfound confidence, basking in its superpower status.
But not everyone shared in the renewed optimism. Over at the hallowed halls of Marvel Comics, all was not well. Interest in their products, most notably the flagship Spider-Man titles, had stagnated. The character, once a counter-culture icon, had grown a bit stale after 20-plus years as Marvel’s venerable cash cow. The time had come for a change.
And so it was decided: Spidey would recieve a makeover. After all, he’d been swinging around New York City clad in essentially the same red and blue costume since his introduction in 1962. It was time for the web-slinger to don new wardrobe, one more suitable for the go-go 80s — something with attitude, something with style, and, most importantly, something to help sell a new line of toys based on Marvel’s prominent titles. Lo, the black suit was born.
Artist Mike Zeck’s original designThough Spider-Man debuted the suit in May 1984 for issue #252 of Amazing Spider-Man, it wasn’t until several months later that a story was concocted to explain the new duds. According to the official storyline, the change occurred during the Secret Wars, a mammoth crossover series in which a nearly omnipotent being named The Beyonder whisked all of Marvel’s prominent heroes and villains to an alternate world for massive battle royale. After his outfit got shredded in battle, Spidey searched for a way to mend his mangled suit, having apparently lacked the foresight to bring along a few extra backup suits. With sewing machines understandably scarce in deep space, Spidey opted to use what he thought to be a high-tech “fabric replication” device. Seemingly responding to his thoughts, the mysterious machine spat out a big black ball of goo that engulfed his entire body, eventually molding into a snazzy, form-fitting outfit, perfect for both crime-fighting on weeknights and clubbing on weekends.

New Suit = New Powers:
In addition to looking cool, the new suit held a number of advantages over the old one. It came on and off automatically according to his thoughts, eliminating the annoyance of changing out of work clothes. It also produced its own webbing (at the time, the comic book Spider-Man had to manufacture his own web fluid) and heightened his existing abilities. Perhaps most importantly, it could change form in order to store things Spidey picked up during his adventures, overgcoming what was arguably the old costume’s greatest flaw: a lack of pockets.
The black suit ignited a firestorm of controversy, with many hardcore comics fans decrying it as tantamount to sacrilege. Spider-Man’s traditional red and blue costume was iconic, they argued, on par with those of his D.C. rivals Superman and Batman. The negative response was puzzling for a medium where constant change is the norm: characters are regularly killed off and brought back from the dead. (Captain America is the latest superhero to fall prey to this common industry practice.)
Despite the uproar (or perhaps because of it), sales of Spider-Man titles soared — at least temporarily. For the next few years, Spidey dressed in black exclusively as he battled the bad guys, but he never quite succeeded in winning over the die-hards.
As the new suit’s novelty ebbed, Marvel opted for a compromise of sorts, dressing Spider-Man in the traditional suit by day and the black one at night. By then, the writing was on the wall, and the decision was eventually made to ditch the black suit permanently.

The Birth of Venom:
So Marvel took lemons and made lemonade, crafting an ingenious storyline that turned a discarded gimmick into perhaps the greatest Spider-Man villain of all time. As the story goes, the suit turned out to be an alien symbiote with a mind of its own — an evil one at that — and it wanted control of Peter Parker. Spidey Back in Black
After an epic struggle, Spidey eventually broke the symbiote’s powerful grip and cast it aside, where it found a much more agreeable host in the form of Peter Parker’s photojournalist rival Eddie Brock (portrayed by Topher Grace in Spider-Man 3). Brock fused with the symbiote, becoming Venom, a dark, snarling beast that lived only for Spider-Man’s destruction.
Ah, but the story doesn’t end there. Marvel brought the black suit out of storage in February for Amazing Spider-Man #539, just in time for the run-up to the release of Spider-Man 3. (They dubbed the return “Back in Black”.) Never fear, Spidey purists: it’s only temporary.
Or so they tell us.

Venom Is Getting His Own Movie Without Spider-Man


Producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach dished that the alien costume symbiote venom will get his own movie while discussing The Amazing Spider-Man. Although it will share the same universe created by the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, yet the two characters won’t share the screen. Tolmach explained to the press that he is trying to get all these worlds live together in peace someday and make sense with one another.

This approach could potentially break a lot of fans’ hearts, but at least they want to make a “huge amazing movie” about the beloved character.

The movie is a story of Eddie Brock. The producers want it to be as close to the comics as possible, especially in Eddie Brock’s story. But again, pseudo-science is becoming science. All these tidbits about webs, artificial webs, is a huge industry now. Spiderwebs have unique qualities that will be huge for communications, fibers, and so forth. At this point, fans will probably take any incarnation of Venom other than the version they saw in Spider-Man 3.

However, it will be pretty cool to see Hollywood make a big budget blockbuster focusing on a character that is typically portrayed as a villain instead of a hero, don’t U think?
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